This investigative procedure comprises of injecting a dye-FLUORESCEIN-into one of your veins in the arm and either taking serial photographs of its passage within the inner structures of the eye – the retina and choroid or examining the inside of your eye with an instrument called the ophthalmoscope with appropriate filters. The information obtained from a study of this procedure aids our doctor in either making a diagnosis, planning your treatment or assessing the results of treatment – particularly laser photocoagulation.
Fundus Fluorescein Angiography
There is no discomfort from this test apart from the needle prick and the flash of the camera, which is harmless. You may have nausea (sensation of vomiting) a minute or so after injection. This usually passes off in about 30 seconds. Remaining calm and breathing deeply helps in overcoming this difficulty. You are advised to be on an empty stomach 3 hours prior to this test. Your usual diet can be taken soon after the procedure. Fluorescein is a non-toxic dye. Rarely it produces a mild allergic reaction, which responds rapidly to appropriate medication. Serious life-threatening reactions are exceptionally rare but can however occur. This is not different from what can occur with any other medication. The skin and urine stain yellow for about 36 hours and is of no consequence. You must be accompanied by an adult attendant during this test.